Making a movie about his career is pretty cool. But what if we could go all the way with “Wicked” and split his life story into two different feature films? That’s what WWE Hall of Famer, TNA Hall of Famer and Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle sets out to do.
Appearing on “Talking is Jericho” starring former rival, AEW star and Ring of Honor World Champion Chris Jericho, Angle revealed that there are currently not one, but two films about Angle’s life and career in development course. However, from the way Angle described things, neither film has started filming, although pre-production on the films is already quite far along.
“I worked a lot on this movie I made about my life’s sports story,” Angle said. “The directors are Ian and Eshom Nelms. They are really talented directors. The reason I chose them is because they were wrestlers in high school and college. So they understand my sport.
“So we got the ball rolling, and now we have investors and we’re going to start casting actors soon. This movie is just about my Olympic story, not my WWE story. There will be, in fact, two movies “Angle 1” and “Angle 2”. One is for the Olympics, the other is for after, my career in WWE and TNA, everything after that was just too much. things to put in one movie, so they wanted to split it in two.”
Angle revealed that Michael Keaton was being sought for the role of John du Pont, the notorious multi-millionaire and murderer of Dave Schultz, who mentored Angle when he was on the Foxcatcher wrestling team. Steve Carrell previously played du Pont in the 2014 Oscar-nominated film “Foxcatcher.” Angle also said his nephew, Jon Berthal, was to play Angle’s father.
If you use any of the quotes from this article, please credit “Talk Is Jericho” and provide ah/t to Wrestling Inc. for transcription.