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Best finishers in the new WWE generation era

Best finishers in the new WWE generation era Best finishers in the new WWE generation era
Best finishers in the new WWE generation era

The era of the new generation in Wwe is the bridge between two of the most famous and successful eras of the society of all time. Although it was a relatively brief period, it was defined by a small but strong talent group, many of which were also stars in other eras.


10 photos of wrestlers from the era of the new generation in their youth WWE fans must see

WWE has created several notable stars in the era of the new generation, and it is interesting to see what they looked like in their youth.

As in any era of struggle, the biggest stars had offensive signature maneuvers, which helped establish their characters. Many of these movements would become resolutely influential and, in some cases, are still used today. Here is our official ranking of the best finishing movements of the era of the new generation.



Marc Mero was the first man to use the WWE shooting press

Sand with Marc Mero in the ring cropped

  • The wild thing was actually a star of shooting press
  • Marc Mero would make his debut in Summerslam in 1996
  • This decision was new to WWE audience

The wild thing, as Marc Mero called it, was the first exhibition to many of what is now known as a shooting press. Although Marc did not use the move in each match, his influence on the company wins his legitimate place on this list.

Marc would use the move to successfully beat Goldust in Summerslam, and it was certainly one of the biggest discussion points of a spectacle rather worthy of interest. To tell the truth, the American public did not really know what to do at the start. Their eyes were simply not used to such a “wonderful” air maneuver.



Goldust was one of the most provocative stars of the new generation era

Champion of Intercontinental Goldust May 27, 1996 CROPPED

  • Before coming to WWE, Goldust fought as Dustin Rhodes in WCW
  • Goldust made its debut for WWE in 1995
  • The curtain call was an inverted DDT

Because Goldust was such a strong character, his ring work is sometimes overlooked. To tell the truth, his curtain finisher of curtain, was probably not even the best movement of his arsenal. The curtain’s call was somewhat similar to the fall in the death of Sting of Sting, but he would see Goldust to raise his opponent, instead of recovering directly.

However, he won the bizarre several games because he would capture the prestigious intercontinental championship after only six months with the company. Goldust would work for WWE far beyond the era of the new generation.



Triple H used the same finisher throughout his career in the ring with WWE

Triple HV Shawn Michaels Armageddon 2002 Cropped

  • Triple H made its debut during the era of the new generation under the name of Hunter Hearst Helmsley
  • His Pedigree finisher was based on her blue blood gadget
  • He is now considered one of the greatest finishing movements in WWE history

Some may wonder why the pedigree ranks a little lower on this list, but it is important to remember that Triple H still developed the movement at this stage. He just didn’t have the success ratio he would end up having.

In addition, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, the future “King of Kings” was not yet a high -level guy of the business. There was a scary moment also involving the pedigree at the start of Hunter’s career. The improvement wrestler, Marty Garner, tried to take precedence as a standard Piledriver and was almost paralyzed accordingly.


Pearl river dive

WWE had major projects for Ahmed Johnson

Split-Screen-Ahmed-Johnson-Pearl-River-Plunge 1400x700

  • Ahmed Johnson made his debut in the 1995 survivors
  • He would continue the intercontinental championship
  • Ahmed briefly fought for WCW in the early 2000s

At first glance, Ahmed Johnson was as impressive as any wrestler you will never see. It was obvious that WWE considered him a future star from the moment he started with the company. According to several accounts, Ahmed simply did not have the appropriate temperament for the wrestling company.

His finisher was just as impressive as his physique. At Ahmed’s credit, he has always executed the move with an additional layer of intensity, and his Verison of the Double Arm sitdown Powerbomb, more than wins his place on this list.


Banzai drop

Yokozuna was THE Monster heel of the era of the new generation

Yokozuna V Virgil Survivor Series 1992 Cramed

  • Yokozuna was a Samoan representing a Japanese sumo wrestler
  • Banzai is a Japanese battle cry
  • Nia Jax Now use movement as a tribute to Yokozuna

One of the most dominant stars in the new generation era, Yokozuna was a double WWE champion. His finishing movement, the fall in Banzai, literally seemed to crush his opponents. Wrestlers like Bret Hart said Yoko was still safe to work withBut admitted that it was frightening to drop from Banzai.


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Yokozuna was literally and figuratively one of the greatest wrestlers in the era of the new generation. He helped define all this period at WWE and is a pivotal figure in the global history of the company.



The Undertaker has contributed in more eras than any other WWE wrestler

Undertaker against Goldust International Incident Cramed

  • The Undertaker has used tombstone as a finisher since its beginnings to WWE
  • He won his second WWE championship during the new generation era
  • The Undertaker was inducted at the WWE renowned temple in 2022

Often called the greatest character in WWE history, the Undertaker was as vital for the era of the new generation as any other wrestler at the time. As he did throughout his career, The Undertaker used the tombstone as a finisher in the mid -90s.

All well considered, The Undertaker has not always received a favorable reservation during this WWE period. He has often been put in match with wrestlers who were too big for he could use the tombstone. Nevertheless, the tombstone still ranks as one of the greatest finishing movements of the time.


Jackknife PowerBomb

Diesel was one of the stars in small groups in the era of the new generation

Diesel V Razor Ramon Jackknife Cramed

  • Kevin Nash received the Diesel gadget when signing with WWE in 1993
  • He was initially twinned with Shawn Michaels as his bodyguard
  • Shane McMahon saw the name “Diesel”

For at least one year of one year, it could be said that Diesel was the face of the era of the new generation. For 358 days, Diesel held the WWE championship. He managed to stay at the top for this long thanks to his version of the Power bomb, which he called the Jackknife Powerbomb.

Diesel put its own unique turn in motion, and many said it was not easy to take. One of the most dominant wrestlers in the era of the new generation, diesel would continue to do even greater things as the 1990s progressed.


The edge of the razor

Razor Ramon Razors Edge Cramed

  • Razor Ramon made his WWE debut at the end of the golden era
  • He was an intercontinental champion several times
  • Damian Priest now uses the edge of the razor as a finishing movement

One of the most visually impressive finish of the time, the edge of the razor was the movement of the brand of Razor Ramon. Since the day he started with the company, Razor Ramon had established all aspects of his character. The edge of the razor seemed nothing less than devastating, and if it was poorly executed, it could have been.

Wrestlers like James Storm, Sheamus and Hernandez would use their own variation in the decision, and as above, Damian Priest is currently using it. If it is not for two other emblematic finishers of the time, the edge of the razor may probably have exceeded this list.



The sniper was used by Bret and Owen Hart

Bret Hart Sharphoot Cropped

  • Konnan taught Bret Hart how to use the elite shooter
  • Bret’s brother ~, Owen, began to use the move after starting to argue
  • Many wrestlers now regularly use the movement

For many fans, Bret Hart was the leader of the era of the new generation. He held the WWE championship several times during this period and was one of the most loved wrestlers in the company.


10 users of a sniper in the history of the struggle, classified worse as well as possible

The sniper is one of the most emblematic submission movements in the history of the struggle. Who did the best?

Bret’s submission, the sniper, was the perfect finisher for him. He put aside countless wrestlers with the move, as was his brother, Owen, who was also a big star of the time. The sniper was so influential that he has now become a little more than a transitional movement in the fight.


Sweet mental music

Shawn Michaels perfectly captured the spirit of the era of the new generation

Shawn Michaels against Bret Hart in Wrestlemania 12

  • The superkick was invented by Chris Adams
  • Shawn began to use movement as a finish in Scott Hall’s suggestion, alias RAZOR RAMON
  • It may be the most copied movement in the history of the struggle

It is a secular debate with regard to Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, but Shawn was the embodiment of the era of the new generation. His finishing movement, Sweet Chin Music, was one of the most impactful of that time. This also allowed a small participation of the crowd, which no other decision on this list can really claim.

This is easily one of the most influential movements in the fight, because countless modern wrestlers added it to their repertoire. When you think of the era of the new generation, you cannot help visualizing the Heartbreak Kid and its sweet Menton music.

See also  The Greatest Matches in WWE Raw History, Ranked
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