Wednesday was a day of movement in the support, from the summit where Tennessee n ° 1 fell to Ole Miss while Florida won in Alabama. It makes Gators the New fourth seed n ° 1 This morning with fifth volunteers in the general classification, followed by the crimson tide. Ole Miss went to 5 seeds.
N ° 7, in total, Michigan State is the only team of the first 12 series in action this evening. Spartans go to Iowa in the hope of winning the title of the regular season Big Ten.
This is possible thanks to Michigan’s home defeat on Wednesday in Maryland. This is the second consecutive defeat for Wolverines, and that dropped them with 4 seeds in today’s support. Maryland made the big night, going from 7 seeded to 5 seeds. Texas Tech replaced Michigan as 3 seeds. Kansas and Arizona each moved to a line while the terraaps rose.
In the middle of the support, Uconn has an 8 this morning after finishing the scanning of the regular marquette season. The Golden Eagles fell to 5 seeds following the loss.
Wednesday evening, two notable results were remarkable. Oklahoma beat the Missouri 96-84 and has risen at the top of the last 4 in the support, passing by the inactive state of San Diego.
Cincinnati has lost his kansas in the state of Kansas, putting a realistic end to their hopes in general. The bearcates are still among the next 4 releases, but when they win enough matches to be a team in general, they will probably be the conference champion.
Top Semds gracketology
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