Paul “Triple H” Levesque was surprised by Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker recently during a WWE event and the couple shocked him from the news that he will be inducted into the WWE renowned temple this year. While many fans believe that his enthronement is well deserved for his wrestling career, others question the move, because as director of WWE content, Levesque Books WWE shows and directs the creative team. One of these happy people for Levesque is the commentator of the WWE renown temple and the current AEW Jim Ross star, said on a recent episode of “Gilling JR“That anyone who says that Levesque does not deserve is wrong – in particular those who claim that he is only inducted because he got married in the McMahon family.
“If you say that, stop,” said Ross. “Stop embeding. The son of AB **** was the best star in the hottest era, one of the hottest eras, WWE, and now it is the quarter-tree, the ‘Head coach of this same team which establishes records.
Ross said he had sent an SMS to Levesque the day after the Royal Rumble, and he replied, even if he was probably occupied after the big event. Levesque was previously induced in the renowned temple as a member of D-Generation X alongside Chyna, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg and Michaels in 2019. He will join Michaels, X-Pac and Ross, also as That Booker T, Ric Flair and Bret Hart, like some of the only stars that have been enthroned twice. WWE has not yet announced if and when the ceremony before Wrestlemania 41 will be a television.
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