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Luka Dončić changes her mind on the conspiracy of longtime Lakers fans after the deadline for trade

Luka Doncic changes her mind on the conspiracy of longtime Luka Doncic changes her mind on the conspiracy of longtime
<span class="MediaShortcode-credit">Getty Images</span>

Each fans base in the NbaAnd maybe all sports, thinks he has a target on his back. Part of what stimulates the passion of all this business is the idea that it is perpetually against them, a whole league and an ecosystem working against your favorites, because when they succeed, the obstacles make it even more satisfactory. This is particularly widespread among the biggest fans bases, and no team inspires more passion in the NBA than Los Angeles Lakers. When a team won 16 championships, he tends to develop enemies along the way. This made the base of fans somewhat concerned with a conspiracy.

A notable theory that has emerged among this fans’ base in recent years is that opponents are so determined to beat them that injured players intentionally target laker games for their returns. Yesterday, for example, Norman Powell came from an absence of five games to face the Lakers. Two games earlier, it was Donte Divincenzo, who had missed the 19 previous games. Before that, Dwight Powell, who had missed 16 years. Lamelo Ball played 10 minutes in total in his last three games before the star match, but played 33 against the Lakers immediately after.

Obviously, injured players are trying to return to action as quickly as they can. Some fans are just used to noting how often these deadlines tend to match Laker games. Luka Doncic, it seems, joined them. The most recent laker noted after Sunday’s victory against the Clippers that even spotted the trend.

“I didn’t believe it before, but they say that if someone went out for a long time, then they play against the Lakers,” Dončić said With a laugh. “So I didn’t believe it at the time, but obviously, it’s the Lakers, so I think it’s normal.”

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Ironically, Dončić himself contributed to this small trend. Last season, he walked his ankle in a January 9 match against the Memphis Grizzlies. He missed three games, then returned to the road against the Lakers, dropping a triple-double of 33 points in a losing effort.

Whether the trend is real or not on a significant sample would be almost impossible to follow, but there is an element of common sense in its existence. Laker games have opportunities for players. Those who love nightlife want to go to Los Angeles. If this is logical for someone to play in a laker game, he will probably do it. The same goes for, let’s say, the Timberwolves or the Hornets, but these games are not entirely with a fanfare. True or not, Dončić managed to earn easy points with his new fans by echoing their grievance.

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