Since “WWE Smackdown” from last Friday, the promotion of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (and the press conference thereafter) has led to a wave of discussions between fans and wrestling experts. One of these voices is “Radio Open” The co-host of Tommy Dreamer, who criticized Johnson, declaring that he and Rhodes were satisfied with the segment and shared a glass together thereafter.
“It goes against all my fundamental knowledge about this industry,” said Dreamer.
The Friday segment presented the rock announcing New Orleans, Louisiana, as WWE Wilstlemania 42 of next year before calling Rhodes and making an undisputed WWE offer. Although the details of this offer were not exactly specified, which can be said to be certainly said is that rock wanted the soul of Rhodes in return. The dreamer’s point was that it was not the type of discussion that would logically be followed by a celebration behind the scenes together.
The co-host of Dreamer, Dave Lagreca, categorically agreed with the wrestler’s opinion, while Thunder Rosa was more curious to know why Johnson decided to break the illusion of a tense relationship between him and Rhodes. Lagreca compared Johnson’s comments to a magician explaining how a magic tip is made.
“There could be a definitive moment when people say,” Where have we been mistaken? “It could be that,” said Dreamer.
The former WWE star wondered if Johnson deliberately wanted to inject a feeling of reality in the situation as a sign of the management of the company. If this is the case, Dreamer is not the biggest fan of vision, because he thinks that it will remove the emotion of the fans of the equation, in the same way as the way in which the networks try to censor the songs of the public which include an explicit language.
If you use one of the quotes from this article, please credit the “Broken open radio” with AH / T to Wrestling Inc. for transcription.