There are many legendary families in professional struggle. But every year that passes, it seems that the anoa’i family draws further on all the others.
Roman Reigns and The Bloodline were the focal point of WWE programming for the best of five years. The dynamics between real parents Reigns, Usos, Solo Sikoa, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and others are regularly the most striking stories of the company. Several main events of Wrestlemania and record title reign were obtained on behalf of the line.
“I have always tried to implement the word” representation “. I said it in our show and I probably pierced it in Jey’s head because I really believe it,” said Reigns to CBS Sports while discussing his role as a WWE 2K25 cover star. “I think we have done such a phenomenal job with everything we have done in recent years.”
While WWE gave Reigns all the chance to succeed at the beginning, he followed a similar path to the rock since the two had to overcome a immense contempt of fan to finally become leading men. In addition, not all family members are not designated to eventually become a mega-star either.
The twins Jey USO and Jimmy USO were considered identical, intended to be large champions of the tag team with little individuality. It was until a 2020 quarrel acclaimed by criticism between Jey and Reigns reminded in senior direction that the Usos are unique personalities despite his appearance. Although the anoa’i family is much better located than most of them to prosper, each member takes up unique challenges.
“Believe it or not, I would not say that I am introverted, but I can sometimes be shy, so it takes a little to open and break this shell,” said Reigns. “The solo is very similar, but even then, this is the pressure that we have on us to be artists.”
Sikoa leads a second iteration of the line made up of Jacob Fatu parents, Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. He is the last member Anoa’i to occupy the front of the stage. There are high expectations placed on the current generation of a family housing the rock, Yokozuna, the Savages, Umaga and Rikishi. Factor in the revolutionary success of the line and this pressure is amplified. The evolution of Sikoa de Stoïc hugging at Brash Leader is a strong contrast of the youth of the lip lips lips on social networks. According to Reigns, the desire to live the surname arouses a need for self -discovery.
“We all start somewhere. It’s beauty,” said Reigns. “We are all artists and artists. Even in the kitchen of a broken apartment, you always work on stuff and try things. It’s a bit of our family there.
“He does much better in the field of entertainment now than with this broom trying to sing in the kitchen. He must however wash dishes, stop singing and get to work.”
Reigns is not unrelated to the version itself. Reigns – whose universal WWE title of 1,316 days Reign is the longest in history – remembers distinctly for having traveled with a puffed aerial mattress when the hotels were not available or fast snoozes were necessary on the calendar exhausting road from WWE.
“Who told you about the air mattress?” Reigns asked with suspicion.
Obviously, Reigns said it himself during a 2019 Gq Video shooting.
“I am an intelligent man. I still think. Do not let the beautiful you deceive you, I am very cerebral,” said Reigns. “Before having a bus and I was a younger man, my hours were a little different from them now. Sometimes I didn’t sleep much. Sometimes it was due to leisure, sometimes it was due to the trip, or both. If you don’t sleep too much in this hotel room, and you have to go to the building and want to lie down.
“I have Amazon a small blown campsite mattress. I would explode it from time to time to take a nap before the show. Whenever someone entered the locker room and saw me using this thing, it would blow Everyone is the mind.
Discover the full interview with Roman Reigns below.
The last victory of the family is their role in WWE 2K25. Not only is Reigns the cover, but the line has a significant presence throughout the game. This year’s showcase mode, a retrospective game mode telling the career of a superstar, celebrates the Anoa’i family. Reigns manager Paul Heyman says “2k Showcase: The Bloodline’s Dynasty” with matches involving Reigns, The Rock, Yokozuna, Fatu and others. A new “Rule Beyond the Ring” mode focuses on a character created by the player who tries to join the line.
“We are in a situation where the whole video game, WWE 2K25, is for the first time created around a man and a family,” said Reigns.
“To be able to relive them, everything is planned. I would like to be able to say that everything happened by accident and ” guy, we were lucky with this one,” but no, guy. We put a ton of work. It is a collaboration effort. attached to that.