Having spent decades far from the struggle following a 1986 incident with Vince McMahon where she alleged that the former WWE president raped her, former referee Rita Chatterton started again to reproduce in the ‘Industry in recent years. This included interviews linked to the fight, being inducted at the temple of renown of the wrestling women and by receiving the Trailblazer Prize from the temple of renown of the international professional struggle in 2021.
It turns out that it was also used by another promotion of struggle at that time. Speak with Paul Roma “Power and glory” Podcast in November, Chatterton told an interesting story about the consequences of receiving the Trailblazer Prize – which started with a telephone call from the International Pro Wrestling Hof Head Seth Turner.
“Seth calls me and says” um, rita, there is this guy trying to have you, he wants your phone number “”, said Chatterton. “He says” Well, his name is Tony Khan. “” Who devil is Tony Khan? He says: “No, Rita, you should probably take his call”. And I say: “Why do I want to take his call?” He says: “Well, he has Jacksonville jaguars “. ‘Accord, then give it my phone number. “”
Shortly after, Chatterton received a call from an unknown number. After not responding at the start, she decided to recall.
“It’s Tony Khan,” said Chatterton. “So Tony and I had a nice conversation, and I was under contract with him for a year. Very nice man. Gentleman. Very, very nice man. And that’s how I ended up getting back in The struggle. “
‘I was doing absolutely nothing’
The long -standing viewers of the AEW will note that Chatterton has never appeared on AEW TV, which naturally led to questions about what Chatterton’s role in AEW was during his year under contract. Chatterton and the former WWE wrestler, Mario Mancini, who joined Chatterton on the podcast, revealed that Chatterton was listed as a “talented scout” on his AEW contract, although Chatterton admitted that she was not doing any Scouting for the promotion, or really, whatever note at all.
“You know what, I was under contract with (Khan) for a year and I did nothing,” said Chatterton. “I was doing absolutely nothing. But he wanted me to under contract, so I was under contract with him.”
In December 2022, Chatterton would have accepted a regulation of several million dollars with Vince McMahon after asking for damages for his alleged rape. The trial followed McMahon’s retirement in 2022 in the initial scandal of the money of silence which would eventually lead to the current trial of Janel Grant.
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