The Knight referred to the heat reports with Drew McIntyre after the Royal Rumble before their qualification match of the Triple Threaten Elimination Chamber against Jimmy Usto on “Wwe Smackdown”, just days after the reports that McIntyre was furious after the rumble match. The reports indicated that McIntyre was visibly upset following his apparently elimination without ceremony by Damian Priest and storm the arena in Indianapolis, in Indiana. The problems seemed to have come from the synchronization problems caused by spots involving Knight. At one point before leaving, McIntyre would have proclaimed Knight “should have brought his s ***”.
Friday, McIntyre was the first for the match and cut a promotion on the passage to “Smackdown” before being interrupted by USO. Knight followed shortly after, Mic in hand, and signaled the camera closer and reduced a promotion of the importance of men’s mental health, speaking directly in the goal before addressing McIntyre .
“In my life, in my career, I want to be someone who affects a good change before dying,” said Knight. “So I’m going to talk to all men, to all boys … I mean this from the bottom of my heart, if something happens in your life that strikes you, it strikes you in the sensations and you have to cry, Let him go out.
Knight then ran McIntyre and said that there were three things guaranteed in life, death, taxes and “attracted McIntyre crying like a fucking baby”. He wrapped the promotion by addressing the reports directly and said: “Oh, wait. I forgot to put my things”, before making the crowd scream at his slogan. Despite Knight’s shadow, McIntyre won the fight to enter the chamber match.