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The second struggle of the former Duke Hudson with an identity video debate from his WWE NXT reservation

The second struggle of the former Duke Hudson with an The second struggle of the former Duke Hudson with an
The second struggle of the former Duke Hudson with an identity video debate from his WWE NXT reservation

Brendan Vink, FKA Duke Hudson at WWE, has recently been freed from promotion and began to publish a series of interviews with himself. The second episode of Hudson’s self-intake has been published today, which sees the positive and negative sides of Hudson’s personality dealing with his reservation in NXT.

“We were the heart and soul of this show for two years and look at everything we have accomplished. We obtained the gold from the tag team. We had figurines. They put us in the game video, “said Hudson’s lighter side in the last episode of”Fight with identity. “The darker side of Hudson did not see it in this way, calling the” the bare minimum “distinctions of what they could have accomplished.

“We deserve so much more … We can walk and we can talk about the conversation, but you forget what we are capable of,” said Hudson’s darker side. “Imagine that if we had turned on (Chase U) as well as planned, maybe we would be in a different situation … Look at what the turn did for others. Look at the non-deserving scumbags that have benefited Fierce work of the University (Charlie) Dempsey.

The darker character demanded that his lighter side “begins to dig” with him in the hope of talking about the trash cans of the different people who, according to him, dropped the two sides of Hudson. Hudson was not the only wrestler to have been published recently, as Elektra Lopez, the former WWE Cruiserweight Cedric Alexander, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Paul Ellering, and many others were released in the following days.

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