The professional struggle industry is a small world. Most wrestlers meet inside and outside the square circle, whether for the same companies or their competitors. For almost four decades, The Undertaker faced many wrestlers while observing and causing emerging talents. One of these talents is the new WWE star, Ricky Saints (formerly known as Ricky Starks in AEW). “The Deadman” was impressed by the way in which the persistent saints and focused on the objectives were when they met for the first time in a gymnasium years ago while the renowned temple was preparing for his match Wrestlemania 32 Hell in a cell against Shane McMahon. In an interview on “Open after nightfall,” The former WWE former champion has thought about his meeting with the “Absolute” and shared his impressions of him.
“I train in this gymnasium, and I notice this kid every day. Says nothing. Really respectful,” recalls The Undertaker. “As the training took place, we needed different observers and a different help. He was still there. Finally, we started a conversation, and he told me that he was trying to enter the business, and I told him in a way of different things. She wanted to happen in the ring, and he formed with her. I saw him a few times.
Saints recently made the headlines after leaving Aew, where he fought from 2020 to 2025. During his stay, he led a crusade as the world team of the AEW world and FTW champion. He surprised the world of WWE with a shocking appearance in the February 11 edition of “WWE NXT”. This week, Saints made his first match as part of a tag team with Je’Von Evans against Ethan Page and Wes Lee.
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