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Weird gimmicks of WWE which lasted less than a month

Weird gimmicks of WWE which lasted less than a month Weird gimmicks of WWE which lasted less than a month
via whatculture.com

The constant change of characters will see many wrestlers who find it difficult to kiss a new gadget to make it last long. Wwe had their fair share of character changes which did not last beyond a full month in the promotion. The wrestlers who appear a few times after having made their debut on the screen saw Vince McMahon shooting before being able to obtain their bearings.


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History shows that WWE suddenly reacts to things if they feel that the public does not put themselves behind an act. A quick trigger can help the talent to go to the following gadget or he can calm them in the future. Each of the following wrestlers was unlucky of a gadget lasting less than a month.

Dolph Ziggler

Change look for a new and improved character


End of gadget

Reason it ended

April 2011

April 2011

Looked too generic with new hair

WWE had Dolph Ziggler on the list for so long that some of its shorter changes of character are overlooked. There was a random change with Ziggler dying his hair for a darker look while Vickie Guerrero announced it as “new and improved” to signify a chance.


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Management has apparently lost confidence in the idea, dropping it after a week while Ziggler returned to her blond look. Fans saying that Ziggler looked too much like Evan Bourne with darker hair can have influenced the gadget ending so quickly.

Mr. Hughes

WWE brought him back as a bodyguard of Chris Jericho

Curtis Hughes


End of gadget

Reason it ended

September 1999

September 1999

Hughes loses weight injured his look

The early stadiums of the WWE mandate of Chris Jericho led to experiment before finding his ideal role. One of the strangest ideas featured the old talent of the golden era, Mr. Hughes, returning to the company in a role as an executor of Jericho.

The gadget was to do the difficult job to save Jericho’s big mouth overhanging intimidating wrestlers. Hughes left after a few weeks when he suffered a defeat against the APA in a team match, and Jericho didn’t want it anymore.

Impost Kane

Luke Gallows was the man behind the mask


End of gadget

Reason it ended

May 2006

June 2006

Impost Kane did not have a logical gain

WWE had no idea of ​​the direction in which they took the angle of Kane Impost when the character began to torment the real unmasked Kane. Luke Gallows was chosen to play the role and wear the old equipment and Kane mask

Fans were interested in the beginning of the angle until it becomes clear that WWE had in mind minimal ideas for the long -term gain. Kane who takes over Impost Kane in a PPV match put an end to Gallows Time playing the false before WWE drops it.


Emma’s modeling gadget lasted one night

WWE Emilina


End of gadget

Reason it ended

February 2017

February 2017

She did not resonate with this gadget

There have been months of vignettes for reconditioning by Emmalina by Emma, ​​but she did not appear for a long time. Emmalina finally made her debut in front of the crowd live to reveal that she was returning to the character of Emma.

WWE made Emma did not feel that the model character was for her And decided to disembark it during its beginnings, announcing that Emmalina was over. Nothing other notable came from Emma to WWE and the character of Emmalina may have led to greater success.

The sailor

Gimmick most confusing by Brutus Beefcake

Brutus Beefcake The Mariner


End of gadget

Reason it ended

February 1991

February 1991

Back to the “The Barber” gadget

The name of Mariner has never been officially used on WWE television, but it would be the suggested name of a new gadget based on him a mask. Beefcake’s ascending parachute injury led the idea to meet with an intimidating mask and equipment as a sailor.

The mysterious character did a few shopping by safeguarding for various tablets attacked by heels. WWE gave it only a few appearances before deleting the gadget in a month. Beefcake wore a red and yellow facial mask to team up with Hulk Hogan and hide the facial injury.

Mr. Perfect

Had a forgotten race as a triple h mentor

Triple H and M. Perfect


End of gadget

Reason it ended

October 1996

November 1996

Left for wcw

WWE has associated Triple H and M. Perfect in the era of the new generation for a short time. Perfect teased having problems with triple h before he turns the heel to help triple H to defeat Marc MERO for the intercontinental championship.


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The story took place that Triple H was the new protégé of Perfect, because the two were natural athletes with a high level of arrogance. Perfect’s new role only lasted two weeks before leaving WWE to get another push in the WCW ring.

Jim Neidhart

Join D-Generation X for one night



End of gadget

Reason it ended

November 1997

November 1997

Angle was made to send it to WCW

The Montreal Screwjob led Bret Hart to leave WWE controversially and put his family in a strange place. Jim Neidhart and Davey Boy Smith, asking for their outings, led Neidhart to have to participate in a scenario of a night which completely buried him before leaving.

Triple H and Shawn Michaels enthroned Neidhart in D-Generation X as a former enemy needing a new role. Neidhart helped DX steal a victory, but the gadget to enforce him ended immediately afterwards, when DX attacked him. Michaels painted by spraying WCW on the back of Neidhart, actually cutting it from DX and WWE.


Stephanie’s Fitness Instructor collapsed

via Whatculture.com


End of gadget

Reason it ended

April 2000

April 2000

Management has lost confidence in the gadget

Another short-term talent to spend time in a version of D-Generation X was Muffy. The featured gadget Muffy appearing under the name of Stephanie McMahon’s fitness instructor mocking fans In the place live to be overweight.

Muffy was associated with Stephanie and Tori during their stay with DX, but chemistry was not there to overcome the act. Muffy was withdrawn from television after a few weeks, WWE, advancing the plans for the gadget to continue. Stephanie continued to grow as a interpreter and was better without muffy.

Sister Abigail

WWE almost made the alter ego of Bray


End of gadget

Reason it ended

October 2017

October 2017

WWE bange up the idea once Bray fell ill

The legendary sister Abigail was appointed by Bray Wyatt and the rest of the Wyatt family in promotions so often that fans expected a female talent to be thrown into this role. However, WWE revealed Wyatt with a different look as an Abigail sister during advertising to face the Alter Ego of the demon of Finn Balor.

The idea seemed a little too ridiculous and ruined a large part of the appeal of what fans wanted a character of Sister Abigail. Bray suffering from an illness withdrew him from this show and had AJ Styles replaced as an adversary of Balor. WWE has wisely abandoned any continuation of Wyatt being Sister Abigail and never mentioned it again.


Balls Mahoney played Santa Claus Maleficent before ECW

Xanta Klaus and Ted Dibiase at WWE


End of gadget

Reason it ended

December 1995

December 1995

The holiday season ended

Ted Dibiase presented a Santa Claus Maleficent named Xanta Klaus during the 1995 holiday season. Balls Mahoney was a relative unknown years before his greatest success by making his own identity in the ECW brand of Paul Heyman.

Xanta Klaus frightened the children and tried to remove everyone from the holiday spirit while Dibiase put war at Christmas. The gadget only lasted a few weeks, because it was useless to bring a diabolical Santa Claus after the holidays have already spent.

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